Coffee Break(ing News)–March 4, 2014

Quote of the Day:

“To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity”. -Nelson Mandela 

The Olympics May Have Just Finished, But The Games Have Just Begun:

Russia decided that it wanted to get cozy with Crimea, so they skipped dating and decided to move right in.


While Crimea is part of Ukraine the majority of the residents strongly identify with Russian ideology. Russia’s Parliament sent the go-ahead for the use of force across the whole of Ukraine. Taking bets on how long Russia can play nice. Why Russia is being a bully? Recently, Ukraine threw out their former president who was extremely pro-Russia: Russia lost their friend and they are sad.

The Rest Of The World Is Giving Russia The Silent Treatment:

The United States froze all of Russia’s assets in their reach and have halted all military connections with Putin. President Obama is looking to gain some world-leader points back with this aggressive stance.

Oscar Pistorius’s Murder Trial: 

Pistorius, 27, began trial where he is being charged for the premeditated murder of his then girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp; the incident occurred on Feb. 14th, 2013.

Oscar Pistorius murder trial to start 03 March 2014...epa0383050

(Pistorius on Mar. 3rd: Appearing for the start of the trial)

Tragic Accident or Argument Turned Deadly?

Prosecution: They are saying that Pistorius and Reeva were fighting at 2 a.m. when things took a violent turn. Assumptions are painting a picture that Reeva locked herself in the bathroom to hide from an enraged Pistorius. He then, grabbed his handgun and proceeded to fire four shots through the bathroom door and successfully killing Reeva in the process.

Defense: Pistorius is claiming that at 2 a.m. he was convinced that an intruder was in his bathroom with the intentions to hurt himself and Reeva. He did not have his prosthetic legs on, lending to him feeling vulnerable, which caused him to retrieve his handgun. In an act of self-proclaimed self-defense, Pistorius fired four shots through the door and killing who he believed was the intruder. Only after he returned to the bedroom to check on Reeva did the true facts of the situation dawn on him.

Concerns About The Trial? Mmmm, maybe a few.

There are few eyebrows being raised about this case: tough judge with possible bias, no eye-witnesses and celebrity treatment. What to think about when you’re contemplating committing a crime against a woman in South Africa? Better not. South Africa has been increasingly been tougher on convictions for all crimes against women in order to combat their viciously violent Republic. Pistorius may have to use those Olympic sprinting legs of his to fight this uphill battle during the entirety of the trial.

One glass of bubbly too much? Oh well, it is the Oscars.

Bullet Points:

-Best Picture and most likely to make Americans feel terrible? 12 Years a Slave.

-Frozen won an oscar, can we stop hearing about it now?

-Lucky #7: Gravity took home seven awards and made us all remember that space is the safest when seen from Earth.

-Leonardo Decaprio awkwardly hugged Matthew McConaughey and pretended not be sad for again not winning an Oscar.

-Ellen Degeneres was a fabulous host and now has the most retweeted tweet ever, passing Barack Obama’s next most popular tweet. Step aside, leader of the free world.


In less than 24-hours, Ellen’s picture got retweeted over 3 million times. Let that sink in.

Take A Cab The Next Few Days:

Devastation struck the Kunming Railway Station in southwest China on March 1st. Ten disguised attackers who wielded knives, mobbed the crowd who were waiting for their train to arrive and went on a killing frenzy.


In the end 29 people were killed and 143 injured to various degrees. The heart of the world holds China close.


As of now, no group has officially taken responsibility for this attack. However, China believes that the group was from the Xinjiang region of China’s western parts. Speculations have been drawn that the attack was in rebuttal to China trying to settle ethnic tensions in that region as of late.


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