Coffee Break(ing) News: March 11, 2014

Quote of the Day:

“I am not taking it lightly”-Senator Feinstein in regards to allegations that the CIA spied on Congress computers.

Still Waiting For The Seatbelt Sign To Turn Off?

While you do that, the world is still waiting to find out what actually happened to flight MH370 which disappeared in-route to Beijing on Saturday. Passenger’s families and curious on-lookers are still waiting for answers, even if they are not containing a happy ending to this episode of Lost. 

Did Google Maps Make A Mistake?

Dozens of boats and planes have been searching for this missing jet, however there is new information that makes the search ever more confusing. The Malaysian military believe they tracked the jet hundreds of miles off course over the Strait of Malacca right before the jet completely disappeared. Either the pilots need to learn how to read a map or there is a high suspicion of foul-play..#scandal.

Thanks For Not Sending Me An E-Vite…

There are several complaints being thrown at the CIA this past week regarding the fact that they are being accused of snooping through Congress members emails and computers. As unacceptable as it is to search through your significant others email account, this internet crime might be a tad more serious and awkward to talk about later. 

Feinstein Be Tripping?

Sen. Feinstein is the voice that brought up this whole CIA issue. She is saying that they broke the constitution by spying. The ironic factor? The CIA is accused of spying on the Senate Intelligence Committee. What defense did the CIA have for these practices? Well, we are the CIA…so yah.

Russia Be Quiet, You’re Causing A Scene.

Russia does not like Western society..Ukraine likes Western society..Russia likes Ukraine. If that is not the most confusing three-way you have ever heard of then you are wrong. Russia holds the stance that the preliminary government in Ukraine is not legitimate and that it is their mission to liberate the people of Crimea. (pst. Crimea is a part of the Ukraine). 

We Are All Standing In Sarah Palin’s Backyard Watching Russia:

The entire international community is keeping a close eye on Russia and the Ukraine. Why? Well,  NATO, EU and United Nations would like to stay out of WWIII/Cold War II. However, Russia backed its troops out of Crimea because they were drawing to many dirty looks from the United States.

Rapid Fire Updates:

The Bachelor Finale: Juan Pablo made the show have  twist ending. The big finale was him asking his girlfriend to keep dating him? Yah, you heard it right. No ring, no love, no fireworks. 

Comedian Zach Galifianakis interviewed POTUS: This terribly awkward interview consisted of questions like: “How does it feel to be the last black President” and “Will your presidential library be in Kenya”? Someone is getting their White House press pass revoked. However, this publicity stunt successfully drew many new visitors to POTUS has to use a comedian to reach the youth. ‘Merica.

Congressional All-Nighter! As lame as that sounds it does get worse. Two Dozen Senators stayed up all night debating about climate change..What came of it? Surprisingly no one cared. Never would have seen that one coming. 

Hemingway Drives My Hormones Crazy: An old “sexy” letter authored by Ernest Hemingway is set to go to auction with a starting bid of $50,000. One can only hope that this letter is an extension to his work, A Farewell to Arms. Possibly the sequel, A Farewell to Clothes

March 11, 2014



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